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University of California, Davis, U.S.A.

1. First systematic high precision survey of bright supernovae

The project hinges on the fact that even though several SNe of different types (e.g. Type Ia and IIP) have shown peculiar signs in their early light curves and spectra (early blue or UV excess, carbon absorption lines), most photometric surveys probe SNe on timescales of days and, therefore, their intraday behavior both before and after maximum brightness remains unknown!
2. Spectroscopic study of superluminous SNe of ePESSTO+ campaign
We study all the spectroscopic phases of SLSNe through the EPESSTO+ collaboration to figure out if there is any pattern that distinguishes SLSNe and divides them into subcategories!
Under construction...
3. Follow up Gaia transients with 2.3m Aristarchos telescope

4. Follow-up of ZTF transients (infant & late time SNe)
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